Payment Options


Tuition may be paid in full or by installment at the time of enrollment. Payments on account, as well as any miscellaneous fees, may be paid by credit/debit/check card, checks and money orders payable to Andrews University.


The most convenient and easiest way to pay is to Pay Online. Be sure to select the correct type of payment you are making. Will need to provide student legal name and ID number. 


Mail Checks (include student name and ID)

Griggs International Academy
8903 U.S. Hwy 31
Berrien Springs, MI 49104-1950

Please make all checks payable to Andrews University.

We reserve the right to verify availability of funds for any check received. A fee of $35 will be charged for any check returned by the bank. All services, including access to the Griggs Online, may be suspended until the account is made current or paid in full.


Third-Party Billing
Andrews University is able to bill Seventh-day Adventist and other organizations offering educational subsidies to their employees, in accordance with the policy of the employing organization. This is the student or parent/guardian’s responsibility. Please use this Third-Party Billing/Subsidy Confirmation Form to send to your employer to request subsidy. Your employer should then email this form back to us to proceed with the enrollment at Authorization from the organization’s financial officer must accompany the registration. Payment in full is due within 30 days from billing. The monthly payment plan is not available to organizations.

If the sponsoring organization requires proof of completion or other evidence of enrollment, it is the student or parent/guardian’s responsibility to pay and claim the subsidy once the course is completed.

Payment of a student’s account is the sole responsibility of the parent/guardian unless the student is over the age of 18. When an Adventist school has a contract for services with GIA, the school is responsible for their contract.

Refund of a Small Balance
Families using USA bank accounts, any credit balances less than $5 will not be refunded unless specifically requested. Families with non-USA bank accounts, any credit balance will only be refunded through a valid credit card. International students who use Flywire Transfer ( or pay by credit card will be refunded through the same method. Refunds will be made to the original payee, unless the original payee instructs Student Financial Services otherwise.



Monthly Payment Plan

Parents/guardians with students enrolling for courses may pay tuition on a monthly plan. Automated payment plans are not available. The monthly payment plan is not available to sponsoring organizations. All fees (see Tuition and Fees) are due at time of service. Fees cannot be included in the monthly payment plan and are nonrefundable.


Credit Approval

The monthly payment plan is subject to prior credit approval, which may be based on information obtained from a credit reporting agency. Andrews University reserves the right to deny credit on the basis of one’s credit history.


Monthly Payment Plan Agreement

The person responsible for the student’s finances must be 18 years of age or older. By completing and signing the agreement on the Finance Form, the financier and the student (if older than 18) agree to abide by the stated terms. The amount financed cannot exceed the amount due for tuition. In the case of an error or miscalculation, GIA reserves the right to adjust without notice the amount financed, provided the amount in question does not exceed $100.


Monthly Payments Applied to Multiple Courses

When enrolled in multiple courses, the monthly payment amount is automatically applied proportionately to each course being financed. To complete a course ahead of its payment schedule (number of months chosen for the payment plan), the course must be paid in advance of requesting the final exam, and the account as a whole must be current.

Finance Charge Disclosure

Annual Percentage Rate (APR) is 0%.


Maximum Number of Payments

Up to eight monthly payments of no less than $25 may be made on any enrollment.


Payment Due Date

If an enrollment is made before the 15th day of the month, the initial tuition payment is due on the first day of the next month. If an enrollment is made on or after the 15th day of the month, initial tuition payment will be due on the first day of the second month following the enrollment month. Thereafter, all payments are due on the first of each month. Exams, grades, report cards and transcripts are held if payment is not received by the 10th of the month. If payment is not received by the due date, the account becomes past due, and exams will not be issued. To learn more about how to understand your GIA statement, watch this video!


Delinquent Accounts

Accounts that are 30 days past due will be considered delinquent. When an account is delinquent, all services, including access to the Griggs Online, will be suspended until the account is made current or paid off. GIA or its assignee may, without notice (unless such notice is required by law), require immediate payment in full of the remaining balance. A late payment fee of $20 per month will be charged until the account is made current, paid off or written off for nonpayment. To learn more about how to understand your GIA statement, watch this video!

If a student’s or his/her family’s account has a bad debt, the bad debt must be paid by cashier’s check, money order, or cash. GIA may report delinquent accounts to a credit bureau. All costs of collection will be added to delinquent accounts.


Services Suspended

Coursework on hold for accounts in which services have been suspended, whether because of finances or academics, will not be processed until the hold has been removed. This could include period tests, submissions, exam requests, exams, grade reports, transcripts, etc. After the last day for withdrawal (18 months from enrollment), any items held will be deleted and a “W” will be recorded for the course.